Thursday, March 15, 2007

New York Minute (NYM) --Premier FOR INDIANS!

Today (15th March) within 12 hrs Mk and Ash's movie NEW YORK MINUTE is gonna be premiered on HBO @ 7 am and 7pm for India only, if by any chance Indian lovers miss it, just chill..HBO premiere's it mostly everyweek...or in months!!!

If u havent heard of New York Minute, then here is the book review for all of you:

Jane (Ash) skips school to give a speech in New York that she hopes will make her dream of going to Oxford University come true. Roxy (Mk) skips school and heads into New York with with a rock CD that she hopes will make her a star.


Jane is caught sneaking out of a fancy hotel wearing a towel. Roxy is being chased through the New York City streets by two men she does'nt know. Jane and Roxy discover anything can- and everything does - happen in a...


Some pics From NYM...

Mk(Roxy) Ash(Jane)

Mk and Ash and the dude...(dunno his name)

Mk and Ash

Ash and Mk. ..

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